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Benefits of Small Businesses Converting to Solar


Although it may rain for more than one-third of the year in Manchester, small businesses that convert energy requirements they may have to solar could still benefit from this technology greatly. What some may not realize is that even on the rainiest of days panels can still produce a level of solar power. Besides, the other two-thirds of the year would make the adaptation worth the expense for the small business owner. The benefits of converting to solar power are at least worth the time it takes you to investigate the possibility of using this technology.

1. Carbon Footprint - By reducing your dependency on fossil fuels in order to power your establishment, you are helping reduce the amount of carbon that is released into the atmosphere. The belief is that for every kilowatt hour you save using solar energy, another kilowatt hour is saved for someone else to use. In the long run, this cumulative conservation requires less generation from fossil fuel generators in order to power the community.

2. Reducing Overhead - The more solar panels you have, the less power you require from the grid. Depending on the size of your business, this savings could be great as more electronics are put into the business then there had been before. Computers, networks, and other technologies that make our lives easier are constantly tapping the power which is part of the energy problem we are facing globally. Although energy-smart devices can help reduce the damage, we are still going to need power in order to run our business efficiently with current technologies.

3. Power to the Kingdom - Using solar panels is a two-pronged beneficiary system. Not only does it help reduce your overall cost of operations within your organization, but it also helps the surrounding community by reserving power for personal use. Eventually, you could build a power generation method that could feed electricity back into the grid helping the power company. Even on days when your business is closed, power is still being generated.

4. Can be Affordable - Depending on the style of solar panels that are used, these can be installed by sections. As each panel ties into the main line for the power, you can piecemeal panels as your budget allows. With each installed panel, your energy production increases slowly eliminating the need to use power from the grid. Instead of requiring the initial investment of thousands of pounds to provide complete coverage of your power consumption, a panel at a time can be installed for far less. When your budget allows expansion, have a second panel installed. Then a third.

5. Brownout Prevention - Some areas are plagued with brownouts. This happens when the power company is unable to supply your location with the level of power you require temporarily. Brownouts can be damaging to electronics and can cause power supply failure in computers and networking equipment. As many business owners will buy battery backup devices, solar power can make up the difference of supply degradation from the inadequacies of the power company or damaged lines.

You don’t have to invest in a 100-percent replacement of your power needs if you don’t have the available funds. A slow accumulation of this technology over time could help your business become more efficient while reducing the overhead of your operation. Any additional supply of power to your facility decreases your dependence of the power grid and will help your establishment as well as your neighbors.


This is a guest post by Liz Nelson from WhiteFence.com. She is a freelance writer and blogger from Houston. Questions and comments can be sent to: liznelson17 @ gmail.com.